Todd Staff
Technology, including the Internet and electronic mail, is available to staff in the Briarcliff Manor School District ("BMSD"). Our goal in providing this service to staff and students is to promote educational excellence in the Briarcliff Manor Schools by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, collaboration, and communication. Failure to follow the stated terms and conditions may result in the loss of the privilege to use these tools, in disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action.
Terms and Conditions for Use:
Acceptable Use:
BMSD technology must be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner and in accordance with the policies and educational objectives of the Briarcliff Manor School District. Transmission or World Wide Web publication of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation or beyond the scope of the educational objectives of the district is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to:
a. copyrighted material
b. pornographic, obscene or other sexually oriented material (pornographic means pictures or writings that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings by the description or portrayal of sexual activity or the nude human form)
c. material protected by trade secret
d. material which is threatening, promotes violence or advocates destruction of property
e. material which advocates or promotes violence or hatred against particular individuals or groups of individuals or advocates or promotes the superiority of one racial, ethnic or religious group over another
f. actively engaging in political activities. State law prohibits the use of any public funds for political activities
g. In addition, Briarcliff Manor School District employees using technology resources may not:
a. use inappropriate or profane language or material likely to be offensive to others in the school community, including sexually harassing or discriminatory material
b. use software without proof of proper licensing
c. impersonate another user or transmit or publish material anonymously
d. conduct a business or other for-profit activity
e. use district technology in such a way that the district will incur an expense unless spending authority has been granted by the appropriate administrator
f. destroy, modify or abuse district owned technology or disrupt the operation of any network within the school district or any network connected to the Internet, including the use, attempted use or possession of computer viruses
g. create, transmit or retransmit chain mail
h. fail to report any violation of the provisions contained herein to his or her supervisor
Employees will:
a. use up-to-date virus protection software on any computer on which district files are created, saved or modified; this includes electronic mail
b. check district electronic mail accounts on a regular basis. Unused e-mail accounts waste resources, are a security risk, and will be deleted if no activity is detected for a period of six months.
c. use conventional academic standards of proper spelling, grammar and accuracy of information in all electronic materials
d. Employees who work with students are expected to make every reasonable effort to ensure that students use technology appropriately and responsibly. Administrators, teachers and staff have a professional responsibility to work together to help students develop the intellectual skills needed to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use information to meet their educational goals.
Student Information:
Privacy of student information and adherence to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is critical. District employees shall not transmit or electronically publish material regarding students, parents/guardians or district employees that are protected by confidentiality laws. Employees may not use electronic mail for confidential matters or privileged communications such as student records unless appropriate encryption or other measures are taken to ensure confidentiality and maintain the appropriate privilege. If material is not legally protected but is of a confidential or sensitive nature, great care shall be taken to ensure that only those with a "need to know" are allowed access to the material.
Electronic mail and other electronic records are subject to the Public Records law which means that any e-mail or files sent, received, or stored on the school district's technology systems could become public information (i.e. appear in a newspaper) or subpoenaed for court purposes. In addition, the school district reserves the right to inspect electronic mail and to remotely monitor computer activity at any time. Deleted e-mail can often be retrieved if necessary. For these reasons, employees should have no expectation of privacy of electronic files.
I understand that an author or someone who has created an original work (an original idea) has the right to control the copying of his/her work (a copyright of his/her original idea) once it is "fixed in any medium". Fixing in a medium means reducing ideas to formats such as writing, painting, video, music (including music that's been written or recorded), and dance choreographer's notes. This means that I will not copy things from other people's work into my work without revealing its source. When I use other people's work or idea for schoolwork, I will give credit to its author or creator by stating the name and where I got the work as required by the school's policy on quotations and citations. If I use another's work for public display and/or financial gain I will comply with any copyright restrictions.
Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a technology related security problem in BMSD, you must notify a system administrator immediately. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Do not use another employee's account, modify files, passwords or data belonging to another employee without consent from that individual or authorization from the appropriate administrator. Attempts to log in to district systems as a system administrator will result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk, or as having a history of abuse of other computer systems, may be denied access to district technology.
Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy or alter data of another user or district equipment, the Briarcliff Manor School District, the Internet, or any agencies or other networks that are connected to the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, the intentional uploading or creation of computer viruses.
The use of technology is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of those privileges. The system administrator(s) will deem what is inappropriate use and that decision is final. The system administrator(s) may restrict access to technology resources at any time, as required.
No warranty:
BMSD makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. BMSD will not be responsible for any damages you suffer using district technology. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, missed deliveries, or service interruptions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at your own risk. BMSD specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through this service. All employees must indicate their knowledge of and agreement with the above conditions by signing the attached staff contract agreement for use of BMSD technology resources.
- I have read the terms and conditions of the ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY for Staff NETWORK AND INTERNET USERS , understand, and will abide by the stated Terms and Conditions.
- I will not use BMSD technology resources to conduct a business, to engage in political activity, to create or proliferate computer viruses or chain mail or any activity that would violate state or federal laws.
- BMSD may modify the Terms and Conditions at any time by publishing the modified condition(s) on the technology page of the BMSD Web site I will periodically check this site for changes.
- I understand that BMSD electronic mail is subject to Open Records law and thus is public record unless the specific content is excluded from public record by the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA") or other laws. I have no expectation of privacy when using district electronic mail systems.
- I alone will use any electronic mail account that I am issued by the district and I understand it is not meant for use by my family members or students.
- I understand that violation of the stated terms and conditions is unethical and may constitute a criminal or civil offense. Failure to comply could result in the loss of the privilege to use district technology and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and/or appropriate legal action.
- I understand that when I am no longer employed by the BMSD, the Human Resource Department will inform the Information Technology Department and I will no longer attempt to access the District technology resources. I further understand that this document and my signature retain their life throughout employment with BMSD.
- BMSD technology must be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner and in accordance with the policies and educational objectives of the Briarcliff Manor School District. Transmission or World Wide Web publication of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation or which is beyond the scope of the educational objectives of the district is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- In addition, Briarcliff Manor School District employees using technology resources may not:
- copyrighted material
- visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors
- material protected by trade secret
- material which is threatening, promotes violence or advocates destruction of property
- material which advocates or promotes violence or hatred against particular individuals or groups of individuals or advocates or promotes the superiority of one racial, ethnic or religious group over another
- actively engaging in political activities (State law prohibits the use of any public funds for political activities)
- In addition, Briarcliff Manor School District employees using technology resources may not:
- use inappropriate or profane language or material likely to be offensive to others in the school community, including sexually harassing or discriminatory material
- use software without proof of proper licensing
- impersonate another user or transmit or publish material anonymously
- conduct a business or other for-profit activity
- use district technology in such a way that the district will incur an expense unless spending authority has been granted by the appropriate administrator
- destroy, modify or abuse district owned technology or disrupt the operation of any network within the school district or any network connected to the internet, including the use, attempted use or possession of computer viruses
- create, transmit or retransmit chain mail
- fail to report any violation of the provisions contained herein to his or her supervisor.
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