Update Contact Information
Need to update your contact information?
Please help us keep our school community safe by ensuring that your family and emergency contact information is up-to-date. This information can be accessed and updated at anytime through our eSchoolData Parent Portal. For step-by-step instructions (click here).
If you need assistance:
- Phone call M-F 7:30AM – 3PM (914) 488-8598
- Email update@briarcliffschools.org
Order of systems for emergency communication:
- Kaishian (@SuperKaish) first communicates via Twitter.
- An emergency alert is transmitted via the B-Button App.
- A message is posted to our District website www.briarcliffschools.org
- An email is sent to parents/guardians accounts.
- Additionally, a Facebook post will be made on the Briarcliff Manor's Facebook page - follow "Briarcliff Manor School District".