Tier Two

Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District

BMS News

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Briarcliff Middle School Teacher Wins Prestigious Award

Briarcliff Middle School students have historically done exceptionally well on the American Mathematics Competition 8 (AMC 8) math test. But did you ever think about the teacher who encouraged them along the way?

The Edyth May Sliffe Award is given each year to several dozen outstanding high school and middle school teachers for their dedication to motivating and inspiring students in mathematics. This year, one of those teachers is BMS Teaching Assistant Svetlana Ryzhik, who is the school’s Math Club advisor.

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Sixth Graders Participate in Part Two of Community Day

This week marks the halfway point of the school year and at Briarcliff Middle School, this is a reason to celebrate.

Half of a school year is no small feat for the sixth graders, who have been adjusting well to the new school. At the start of the year, the sixth-grade team of teachers set four goals for their students: persistence, teamwork, active listening and positivity. The second Community Day provided students with a valuable opportunity to explore and strengthen these goals. Through various activities, students were able to actively engage and reflect on the concepts.

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Sixth Graders Learn about the Lunar New Year in Enrichment Class

The Chinese zodiac rotates on a 12-year cycle, so it is only fitting that the snake, which is the symbol for this lunar year, is also the symbol of Briarcliff’s soon-to-be twelve-year olds: the sixth graders.

In Johanna Foster’s Enrichment class, sixth graders at Briarcliff Middle School learned about the Lunar New Year, the holiday’s customs and how it is celebrated in different Asian countries.

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