Library Media Center
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Library Resources
Library Catalog
works cited/web evaluation
General Citation Guide
Why do we have to cite sources anyway?
Every formal research paper includes a list of bibliographic citations describing the books, articles and any other sources used. This list gives credit to those whose ideas you have referred to or quoted, and provides the necessary information your readers may need to find further information on the topic. Not to mention, if you fail to cite your sources, you will be guilty of plagiarism!
Why are there so many different types of citation styles?
Out in the real world, different fields of study use different citation styles. Therefore in high school, we want to familiarize our students with these various citation styles. Typically historians use Chicago Style citation, journalists use MLA and psychologists use APA.
What is the point of a parenthetical citation or footnote?
OK, we admit it....parenthetical citations and footnotes can be confusing and annoying! However they do serve a purpose. Parenthetical citations direct your reader to the exact source a particular piece of information comes from. Footnotes serve the same purpose by letting readers know which source certain facts or quotes come from.
What if I can't find all the required information for a source?
Sometimes this can happen, especially with websites (i.e.: the author's name or the date of the last update is missing). It's OK! If you can't find one or two pieces of information, skip that piece and move on to the next. If you are missing more information than that, you should probably re-evaluate this source! Remember, a credible source will usually want to take credit for his or her own research and will post all the necessary citation information so other researchers can cite their website completely and accurately.
Citation Machine and Easy Bib are a free online citation maker that can be used for APA, MLA and Chicago Style as a beginning, but please check against the Briarcliff HS Writing Guide for the final, approved format.
A Guide for Conducting Research from Purdue Online Writing Lab
helpful links & book lists
Career Information Websites
Check these websites to give you information about a wide variety of careers. Combine this list with the college websites listing.
Westchester Public Library System
Look at this to find directions on searching the public library system, placing materials on hold, renewing materials online, etc.
Search the Public Library System and place items on hold by clicking on the following:
- Find it at your library.
- Library Catalogs.
- JAVA WebPac.
- Library Catalog.
- Do not use your browser’s back and forward buttons to navigate.
- Use the WLS internal arrows.
- Index to search.
- Item that you want.Place hold button.
- Enter your barcode from the back of your library card.
- IMPORTANT! Choose the public library where you want the item sent.
Renewing Items Online
Follow steps 1-4 above.
- Click on Patron Information.
- Enter your library card barcode.
- Click on Items Out button.
- Highlight the item(s) that you want to renew.
- Click the renew button.
Libraries and Bookstores
Check here to get links for libraries and bookstores on the Internet.
You can search the following Libraries and book stores without ever leaving home.
- Westchester Library System: Search the card catalogs of each individual Public Library or the entire system. Place holds on books within the system and have them delivered to your home Library. Also check out the data bases, such as EBSCOhost Periodical Database and Gale Literature Network.
- Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES School Library System Catalog: Search the card catalogs of the schools in the Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES region. Many of our holdings at the Briarcliff Manor Middle and High Schools LMC are included.
- New York Public Library: Search the card catalogs of the main and branch libraries and the electronic resources.
- Library of Congress: Search the catalogs, collections and research services. Check out American Memory- America's Story in Words, Sounds and Pictures.
- The Internet Public Library: The first Public Library of and for the Internet community. Its goal is the finding, evaluating, selecting, organizing, describing and creating quality information resources.
- Book Store: Use to find out all sorts of information and reviews about books and authors.
- Barnes and Noble Book Store: Use to find out all sorts of information and reviews about books and authors.
teacher resources
Parent Information
- Wired Safety: Internet safety and cyberbullying
- Stop Cyberbullying: what it is, how it can be stopped
- Google Good to Know (Online Safety)