Tier Two District

Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District


What's Happening Now

Pocantico Hills Students Feel Part of Briarcliff “Family”

Each September, Briarcliff High School welcomes ninth graders from Briarcliff Middle School, as well as from Pocantico Hills Central School District, known as POCO.

POCO serves students from pre-k through eighth grade. Each year, towards the end of January, Pocantico eighth graders are required to select one of three high schools to attend. Briarcliff High School is one of those three.

We spoke with several former POCO students to learn more about why they chose to attend Briarcliff, how that decision shaped who they are today and what makes the school special.

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Classrooms at The CLIFF Enhance Student Learning

Things are taking shape this year at The CLIFF, the new learning hub at Briarcliff High School, which is part of the Capital Project and combines the library and the area formerly known as the Maresca.

While still a work in progress, The CLIFF (an acronym for Collaboration, Learning, Innovation, Faculty, Forum) hosts several classrooms that make learning more accessible and inviting.

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Fitness Class Provides Students with an Edge in Sports

One of the best things about Briarcliff High School is that it provides many different options for students. For example, students who prefer a non-traditional physical education class can take a fitness class, which counts as an elective, but also provides PE credit.

In Al Meola’s “Fitness Through Strength Training and Conditioning,” class, students have the opportunity to work out in the school’s fitness room, and even creating their own workouts.

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From The Superintendent