Tier Two

Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District

Facilities Policies


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Date adopted by Board 1988
Date(s) Reviewed/Modified by Board

Subject:    Community Use of School Facilities

While the district’s school buildings and grounds are maintained primarily for the purpose of educating students within the district, the Board of Education recognizes that the buildings and grounds are a valuable community resource and believes that this resource should be available to the community for specific uses that will not interfere with educational activities.  This policy is intended to identify the uses that community groups may make of those facilities and the conditions for use. 

Permitted Uses of School Buildings and Grounds

District facilities may be used for the purposes listed below, subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in this policy.

  1. Instruction in any branch of education, learning or the arts.
  2. Social, civic and recreational meetings and entertainments, or other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community so long as such uses are non-exclusive and open to the general public.
  3. Meetings, entertainment and occasions where admission fees are charged, when the proceeds are to be spent for an educational or charitable purpose. 
  4. Polling places for holding primaries and elections, for the registration of voters and for holding municipal meetings.  
  5. Civic forums and community centers.
  6. Recreation, physical training and athletics, including competitive athletic contests of children attending a private, nonprofit school with the exception of specialized facilities such as the weight training room located in the HS gymnasium.
  7. Child-care programs when school is not in session, or when school is in session for the children of students attending schools of the district and, if there is additional space available, for children of employees of the district.
  8. Graduation exercises held by not-for-profit elementary and secondary schools, provided that no religious service is performed.

Prohibited Uses of School Buildings and Grounds

Any use not permitted by this policy is prohibited.  In addition, the following uses are specifically prohibited.

  1. Meetings sponsored by political organizations.
  2. Meetings, entertainments and occasions that are under the exclusive control of and the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association or organization or a religious sect or denomination or of a fraternal, secret or exclusive society or organization, other than veterans’ organizations or volunteer fire fighters or volunteer ambulance workers.
  3. Any use that in any way interferes with the use of school buildings, grounds, school programs, or use of school facility by student(s) or district athletic team(s).  
  4. Any use that interferes with school property in the following ways:
    1. attachment of screws, bolts, tape, etc., to walls, fixtures, floors, etc,; 
    2. obstruction of any corridor, door, passageway;
    3. alteration or relocation of equipment; 
    4. painting of scenery or decorations on walls, floors, ceilings, etc; or
    5. digging holes or erecting signs, etc., on fields.
  5. Any use by any person or organization for personal or private gain, financial or otherwise, or by any commercial enterprise.  
  6. Any meeting, entertainment, or occasion where admission fees are charges, unless the proceeds thereof are to be expended for an educational or charitable purpose approved by the Board.   
  7. For any purpose which violates any federal, state or local law. 

Use of School Facilities By School Personnel.

Any use of school facilities for school-related activities will be scheduled through the Building Principal.  Any use by school personnel outside the regular school week will be scheduled through the Building Principal and approved by the Superintendent of Schools.  

No students are allowed in a school building for a school related activity unless appropriate school personnel are on duty.  Advance scheduling by school personnel will ensure that the space requested is available and not given to outside groups. 

Use of School Facilities by Non-School Organization/Personnel.  

Requests for the use of a school facility by a non-school organization/personnel shall be forwarded, with the recommendation of the Building Principal, to the Superintendent of Schools for decision on the request. 

Community Groups Eligible for Free Use.  

Certain community groups may be granted use of school facilities without charge, provided that the facility is not already scheduled for use at the time requested.  The Superintendent of Schools will decide if a community group may use a school facility without charge. 

Where there is a conflict because of multiple requests for use of a facility, preference shall be given to those organizations whose events directly benefit the District’s school age children.  

Conditions for Use By Non-School Organization/Personnel

  1. School activities shall have first preference.
  2. Use of the district administration facilities for meetings, conferences, etc., shall be limited to the Board of Education, Committees of the Board, and school administrators.
  3. School-associated groups may use the facilities without charge during the hours when they are normally in use, if, in the judgment of the Building Principal, no special custodial service is needed for either supervision or safety. 
  4. A schedule of fees shall be established in accordance with the regulations of the Board and will be subject to change.
  5. Payment for use shall be made in advance to the Briarcliff Manor Union Free School District.  Any outstanding bill for prior use must be paid in full before additional facility use will be authorized.  Payments for facility use shall be treated as revenue in the district’s general fund.
  6. Any group using a school facility for recreational activities, shows or performances, must present evidence of liability insurance (i.e., Certificate of Insurance), with the district named as an additional insured.  A minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance is required.  
  7. A non-school related activity shall not use the name of the School District in a manner to express or imply that the activity is sponsored or endorsed by the School District. 
  8. The applicant is responsible to provide strict adult supervision during activities at all times.
  9. In the absence of an administrator, the custodian on duty is to be regarded as the representative of the Building Principal or District Administration.
  10. Approval of an application for use of a school facility is subject to cancellation in the event of a conflict with school activities, or for any other reason deemed necessary by the Board of Education.
  11. In the event of school closing, it shall be the responsibility of the organization to notify its members accordingly. 
  12. The Custodian’s office must be promptly notified of cancellation of activity to avoid unnecessary preparation and to free the facility for use by other organizations.
  13. In case of an emergency, all buildings will be available to the American Red Cross.
  14. In the event an applicant will provide its own set-up staff, it will inform the district of the number of persons to be provided, as well as the time of arrival for set-up, clean-up, etc.
  15. Responsibility for order, safety and security of school facilities must be assured by the applicant.  Any damage to school buildings and/or grounds shall be reimbursed by the organization using same.
  16. Use of outdoor facilities, such as the track and tennis courts, is subject to posted terms and conditions. 
  17. Fields may not be used during inclement weather, except as permitted by the Athletic Director.
  18. The school facility shall be vacated no later than 11 p.m., unless a specific exception is granted in the permit.
  19. A detailed financial statement showing total receipts and expenses for each use of building(s) or grounds for which admission is charged must be filed with the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Technology.
  20. Only the facility and equipment approved in the application may be used.
  21. All school-owned electrical, electronic or audio-visual equipment shall be operated by district personnel only.
  22. Only authorized personnel shall operate stage, sound, and projection equipment.
  23. Only authorized personnel shall operate kitchen equipment.  
  24. There shall be no use, possession, sale or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances as defined in Board Policy 6180 or of intoxicating beverages at any time in the school buildings or on school property.
  25. There shall be no smoking in school buildings or on school grounds.
  26. All decorations must be of fire resistant materials.
  27. Open flame(s) shall not be permitted under any circumstance. 
  28. Regular gym shoes must be worn when sports or games are conducted on the gymnasium floors.
  29. The School District shall assume no responsibility for property left on the premises.
  30. All individuals shall act in a manner consistent with all applicable federal and state laws, and regulations, as well as all policies, regulations and/or rules of the school district including the District Code of Conduct. 

Application Procedure for Use of District Facilities By Non-School Organizations/Personnel.    

  1. An Application for Use of District Facilities shall be in writing to the Principal of the building/campus requested and received prior to the date of use.  A use permit application shall be made available in the Principal’s office.  If the facility is available, the Principal shall sign the application and forward it to the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Technology for final approval or disapproval.  Proper insurance forms must accompany the application.
  2. The applicant must clearly and completely describe the intended use of the district facility in the application
  3. The applicant must review this policy prior to submitting the application.  The application must be signed by an authorized agent of the group or organization requesting use.  The applicant’s signature on the application shall attest to the group or organization’s agreement to comply with all Board policies and regulations and to use district facilities strictly in accordance with the use described in the application.
  4. When an Application for Use of School Facilities has been approved by the Assistant Superintendent, a copy of the application shall be returned to the applicant and will be retained as a permit for use.  The organization or group may be required to produce the copy of the approved application at the time of use.  
  5. Advertisement of the planned activity shall take place only after final approval is given by the Assistant Superintendent and the approved application is returned to the applicant.
  6. As a condition of approval for use, the applicant/organization agrees that it is responsible for all damages resulting from its use of the district facilities.  Proof of adequate insurance must be provided by the applicant/organization at least 10 district business days before the date of the requested use.
  7. Permits shall be valid only for the facility, use, dates and time specified in the permit.  No adjustment to the permit is allowed except with the prior written approval of the Assistant Superintendent.  Permits shall not be transferable.
  8. The Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee is authorized to alter or cancel any permit if it becomes necessary to use the facility for school purposes or for any other justifiable reason.
  9. With regard to scheduling activities, the district retains the right to give preference to groups and organizations which are associated with or sponsored by the district.
  10. Issuance of a permit shall not limit the right of access to the facility by district staff.

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