Dear 5th Grade Parents,


This is just a gentle reminder that we will be visiting your child's class on Monday to begin their transition to middle school. Parents are cordially invited to an orientation
to Middle School on Wednesday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Theater.


Following this orientation, parents are asked to complete a short form indicating choices for music and "Class 5." As we will explain at the orientation, Class 5 may be a world language class or resource center, depending upon your child's needs. The course request form is due no later than February 15. The link below will bring you to that request form:


I believe you and your child can anticipate wonderful experiences in Middle School. The 6th grade team and I look forward to meeting you on February 6th.



Susan Howard


45 ingham Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY - 10510

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