Board of Education
Philosophy Statement
The Members of the Board of Education
Philosophy Statement
The mission of public education is to provide for the education of the next generation. The Briarcliff Schools are committed to the philosophy of helping each child develop into a mature individual who will be a contributing member of society. The school shares the responsibility with parents and the community for meeting the needs of the whole child - intellectual, physical, social, emotional, civic, moral and aesthetic. The school, however, has a primary responsibility for the intellectual development of the child. Through the acquisition of the tools and habits of learning and thinking, and the assimilation of a basic body of skills and knowledge, such as reading, writing, computation, listening and speaking, students are prepared to be responsible and thoughtful citizens.
Schools provide a unique environment for social development with peers and adults; therefore, activities are consciously structured to enhance these relationships. There are opportunities for students to participate in experiences that promote self-esteem, as well as to have students learn the limits of individual freedom and the values of cooperation, physical fitness and good health habits. The relationship between the arts and quality of life is stressed. Students are encouraged to be participants in the arts and are given opportunities to develop their aesthetic appreciation and awareness.
Because learning is a life-long experience, the Briarcliff School community strives to be a place where adults model for students the value and process of learning. In all aspects of the K-12 program, excellence is sought as a goal.
The Briarcliff Schools provide a comprehensive and responsive educational program that is relevant to the individual needs of students. It is planned with an awareness of the future and encourages students to contribute to the betterment of that world. By blending a knowledge of our multi-ethnic past and our shared values with a concern for future directions, the educational program prepares students for their role in the world.
Board of Education Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Education are held twice a month. The dates, times and locations of these meetings are announced in advance. Residents of the District are invited to attend all public meetings for the Board of Education and each meeting's agenda provides for comments from the public.
Contact the Board of Education
Schools provide a unique environment for social development with peers and adults; therefore, activities are consciously structured to enhance these relationships. There are opportunities for students to participate in experiences that promote self-esteem, as well as to have students learn the limits of individual freedom and the values of cooperation, physical fitness and good health habits. The relationship between the arts and quality of life is stressed. Students are encouraged to be participants in the arts and are given opportunities to develop their aesthetic appreciation and awareness.
Because learning is a life-long experience, the Briarcliff School community strives to be a place where adults model for students the value and process of learning. In all aspects of the K-12 program, excellence is sought as a goal.
The Briarcliff Schools provide a comprehensive and responsive educational program that is relevant to the individual needs of students. It is planned with an awareness of the future and encourages students to contribute to the betterment of that world. By blending a knowledge of our multi-ethnic past and our shared values with a concern for future directions, the educational program prepares students for their role in the world.
Board of Education Meetings
Regularly scheduled meetings of the Board of Education are held twice a month. The dates, times and locations of these meetings are announced in advance. Residents of the District are invited to attend all public meetings for the Board of Education and each meeting's agenda provides for comments from the public.
Contact the Board of Education
Mrs. Michelle Woerner
Briarcliff District
Term Expires June 30, 2025
Mr. Kenneth Torosian
Vice President
Briarcliff District
Term Expires June 30, 2025
Rajaneesh Chandra
Briarcliff District
Term Expires June 30, 2027
Anthony Sammi
Briarcliff District
Term Expires June 30, 2026
Sarah Zonenshine
Briarcliff District
Term Expires June 30, 2027
BOARD GOALS 2023-2024
- Support a high quality, well rounded educational experience that meets the needs of all students, delivers the skills and confidence necessary to be successful in the 21st century, and supports the emotional and physical safety and well-being of students.
- Ensure our tax dollars are invested efficiently and are used judiciously in support of our educational program.
- Support the Superintendent’s efforts to recruit and retain exceptional administrators, teachers and staff, district-wide, and to provide them with outstanding professional development to ensure their skills are at the forefront of educational standards.
- Continue to ensure the District remains at the cutting edge of educational technologies including devices for all students k-12, professional development for teachers/staff and technology support.
- Explore and implement strategies to enhance communication and engagement with all community stakeholders.