Athletic Program
The Briarcliff Manor School District recognizes and supports the importance of a quality Interscholastic Athletic Program. It is our mission to foster the quest for excellence by creating an educational experience that is competitive within an atmosphere of sportsmanship. Our programs will develop individual and team potential by promoting high standards of competence, character and citizenship. Lessons learned through athletic participation in organized sports programs are the keen elements of the education process. To reach the high standards of excellence, it is essential to work together toward one common goal and that is to ensure that student/athletes and their families continue to experience the quality and enjoyment that our interscholastic program has to offer. At Briarcliff, our student/athletes have been quite successful. The League, Sectional, Regional & State Championships earned are only part of the success that our district has to offer. They have garnered Con Ed Scholarships, numerous athletic awards as well as New York State Scholar Athlete teams, all of which have been recognized by the state. I consider it an honor and a privilege to be able to work with such amazing coaches, student/athletes and their families here at Briarcliff.
- Philosophy
- Eligibility
- Tryout Process
- Getting Ready to Play
- Practice & Games
- Captains
- Athlete Responsibilities
- Ejection & Card Accumulation
- Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Parent-Coach Communication
- Athletic Trainer
- Athletic Awards
- Out of Season & Outside Competition
- Booster Club
Athletics is a component of the physical education program in the Briarcliff School District. Our program is designed to meet the needs of students who seek an intense and competitive level of participation. It is the nature of athletic competition to strive for victory. However, guiding the individual and team to achieve maximum potential is the goal of the program. Being a responsible, healthy and sportsmanlike representative of the Briarcliff Schools is an added goal of participation in our interscholastic athletics program.
Athletic opportunities exist for students in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 on middle school, junior varsity and varsity teams. Interscholastic athletics are governed by the rules of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association and Section One. Student/athletes must get clearance prior to the beginning of each season from the school nurse and school physician before they can begin participation in their sport. All students must see the nurse for their appropriate paper work.
Coaches cannot let children participate until the “clearance process” is complete. Questions should be directed to the School Nurse regarding this issue. Each sport has a required number of practices that must be held before an athlete can compete against another school. After an injury, the school must clear the athlete.
This program is available to all students in the seventh and eighth grade. Sport activities offered are determined by the existence of leagues, student interest, and the relationship to the high school program. At this level, the focus is on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body, and healthy competition. At the Modified level, if the number of students trying out for a team creates a situation that is difficult to manage, poses a safety problem or is problematic because of facility considerations, reducing team size may be necessary. Ultimately, the number of teams and size of the squad in any sport will be determined by the availability of 1) financial resources, 2) qualified coaches, 3) suitable indoor or outdoor facilities, and 4) a safe environment.
The freshman level is meant for students who demonstrate the ability to develop into constructive junior varsity athletes. The majority of the team will be made up of freshmen. Middle school students who have satisfied the selection/classification requirements may also participate. At the freshman level, athletes will continue to develop and expand athletic and fundamental sport specific skills, build upon components of team play, and grow in emotional maturity. Freshman programs strive to cultivate individual skills while also stressing the importance of working as part of a team.
There is a certain level of commitment that is expected as part of the freshman program as a precursor to the junior varsity level. Contests and practices are rarely held on holidays and Sundays, however practice sessions are sometimes held during school vacation breaks. Freshman level athletes should be willing to make the commitment to the program, and be dedicated to refining individual skills as well as developing team play in preparation for participation on a junior varsity level.
The junior varsity level team membership varies by grade. However, freshmen and sophomores usually occupy the majority of the roster. In certain situations, juniors who are expected to make a contribution at the varsity level next year will be considered for junior varsity participation. Middle school students who have satisfied the Advanced Placement Process requirement may also participate. At the junior varsity level, increased emphasis is placed on physical conditioning, refinement of fundamental skills, elements and strategies of team play. Junior varsity programs work toward achieving a balance between continued team and player development and striving for victory. Coaches, as a general rule, will keep less than double the number who starts. Playing time is not guaranteed in each contest. Athletes at this level should be prepared to make a six-day week commitment throughout the season that would be expected on a varsity level team. With the goal of becoming a varsity athlete clearly in sight, a high level of dedication and commitment is expected at the junior varsity level.
Varsity competition is the culmination of each sports program. A varsity team roster is usually comprised of juniors and seniors. Occasionally a sophomore, freshman or 8th grader may be included on the team providing that evidence of advanced levels of physical development and appropriate skills are demonstrated. It is rare that a middle school athlete will be included in a varsity roster, but it could occur. In short, the BEST players could make the team regardless of grade level.
Varsity coaches will select and dress as many athletes that are practical for their teams. It is understood that the playing time—and sometimes the practice time—may be disproportionate given the competitive nature of varsity athletics. The minimum number of athletes on any given team is a function of those needed to conduct an effective and meaningful practice, and to play the contest. There is no guarantee of playing time.
A high level of skill and commitment is required at the varsity level. Practice and game situations may be scheduled on a six day week commitment throughout the season and may be scheduled over a holiday, vacation period and, on rare occasions, on Sunday. The varsity coach is the leader of that sports program and is responsible for the communication among junior varsity, and modified programs.
The following eligibility standards are taken from the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Inc. Handbook:
College – A student is no longer eligible to represent the school in that sport in that season if the student participates in practice or competition with or against any college athletic squad during that season.
National Team/Olympic Development Programs – A student may participate as an individual as a member of a National Team or in Olympic Development Program during the school year if such participation is approved by the student’s high school principal and chief officer, and the Executive Director is notified in writing by the principal at least 30 days prior to the start of the program.
Professional Tryouts – No tryouts for, or practice with, professional teams are approved except during the summer vacation. A student who participates in such a tryout is ineligible to represent the school in that sport. A school may apply on behalf of the student to their section for reinstatement one year from the date of the latest violation. Penalties for violations of these standards can result in loss of eligibility from that sport.
Tryout Process
All students have the right to “try out” for the various teams that are available in the fall (August – November), winter (November – February), and spring (March - June).
It is the philosophy of the Athletic Department to include as many participants as each team will allow. With the increasing number of children who are interested in playing on our teams, it is impossible to keep everyone who wants to play if we are to insure safety, quality of instruction and provide adequate playing time in contests. This is determined by the nature of each sport. The teams that require tryouts are: Fall ~ Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer, Girls’ Tennis, Field Hockey, and Volleyball; Winter ~ Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Swimming and Diving, Spring ~ Baseball, Boys’ Golf, Boys’ Tennis, Softball , Girls' and Boys' lacrosse. Cuts are not always made in each one of our sports. The final determination is based on the number of students trying out and the number of slots available. This is reviewed at the sign-up phase for each individual team.
The Try Out process is twofold: the coach (1) makes judgments of skill level and (2) functional role on the team. The word “tryout” is misleading because when the season begins it is the first day of practice. The coach uses a rubric or assessment form that is available to the student before tryouts begin. This form is for the coach’s information only. Students should conduct a personal assessment of their skills to determine if they have the ability to make the specific team. This self-evaluation process could prevent the disappointment of not making the team. The procedure to follow when trying out for a team is as follows:
The coach will explain the standards and expectations that will be used to evaluate student performance. The try out period will last a minimum of three days and a maximum of five days. A student who is ill or hurt during this period of time will be afforded additional time. At the end of this period the team selection is made. The coach will meet with each individual student to explain how the student performed and his/her expected role during that season, or an explanation as to why they did not make the team and what they need to do if they wish to try again the following season.
Alternatives if you do not make the team of your choice.
If a student does not make his/her first choice of an athletic team, he/she has an option of trying out for another sport within a reasonable amount of time. This is to allow the student the chance to discover a variety of capabilities, talents, and interests.
A student who tries out for a Freshman, Junior Varsity or Varsity team but does not make the team has the opportunity to join a no cut team after his/her try out.
Sports Management/Team Manager – An Integral Function
Sport Management is a great opportunity for any student who is interested in participating in the athletic program. The student has a chance to work with a team in several capacities: as a manager, statistician, public address announcer, videotape photographer or sports photographer. A student in this capacity can be utilized by the coaching staff to run various components of practice or contests. Each student may become a contributing member of a team through their hard work and dedication. Athletic team managers can also earn community service hours.
Getting Ready to Play
Attend a Pre-Season Meeting
One of the most important ingredients for a successful sport season is effective, open and appropriate communication between the coach, parents, and student/athlete. In order to ensure that this communication takes place, pre-season meetings are scheduled by the athletic department at the beginning of each season. When pre-season meetings are scheduled, student/athletes and parents are expected to attend.
Topics of Discussion at Pre-Season Meetings
- Athletic Program policies and procedures
- Goals for the season
- Game and practice schedules
- Expectation of players, coaches, and parents
- Parent roles
- Transportation
- Eligibility rules
- Code of Conduct
- Athletic award program
Practice & Games
All teams must meet the minimum standards for practice as set forth by the NYSPHSAA. It is important that students and parents understand that practices are necessary. Generally, teams practice Monday through Friday, 3:15 – 6:00 pm and usually on Saturdays (Sundays in an emergency) and holidays/vacations in the morning. Check with your team coach for pick up times and vacation practice schedules. Practices hone skills, maintain fitness and build team unity. They are a major part of participation in a sport and are essential to evaluating a player’s role on the team.
1. All student athletes must make a commitment to attend all practices and contests on time. In the fall, JV and Varsity sports begin two weeks before school begins. Students must attend try-outs prior to the start of school (August 19) in order to try-out for and participate on a JV or Varsity team.
2. Athletes must attend school in order to participate in that day’s practice or athletic contest.
a. The Coach will notify athletes and their families of the team’s games, practices and time schedules.
b. If an athlete is going to be late or absent from practice, it is his/her responsibility to notify the coach.
c. An excused absence is for family emergencies, or sickness. Please notify the coach directly prior to the absence.
d. Each sport has a required number of practices necessary in order to scrimmage or play in a contest, as outlined by NYSPHSAA, Inc.
e. Students scheduled for Physical Education must participate in class in order to be eligible to practice or compete on an athletic team. Students who do not participate in Physical Education class due to sickness or injury may not participate in interscholastic games or practices on that day.
f. If a student is suspended from school then, he/she will not be eligible to participate on the day of the suspension, and subsequent suspension days.
g. If an athlete goes home from school sick, they are not allowed to return for a practice or game.
3. Schedules – Keep in mind that schedules are only a guideline. There are many reasons (inclement weather, unplayable facility, transportation problem, etc.) that can cause game cancellations. During Sectional play; game opponent, date, and time is not determined until shortly before the contest.
When athletes commit to a varsity or a junior varsity sport, they should assume that practices and/or contests will take place over school vacations and holidays. Since it is the policy of Section One to schedule contests during some vacations (especially in the spring) Briarcliff must also do so.
Briarcliff’s teams would be at an extreme disadvantage if they took time off while others are playing and practicing. In addition, it would be unfair to ask other schools to reschedule Briarcliff’s contests to another time, thus forcing them to play 3, 4, or even 5 games during a week in order to accommodate our athletes.
When athletes go away and do not fulfill their commitment to the team, these decisions have an impact on those players that attend practices and games. The decision to not attend practice and games during vacations and holidays cause our teams to forfeit games, move junior varsity players up the to the varsity to round out the team, and cause coaches to alter their plan for the overall team development.
Athletes who must go away and miss practice and/or contests during vacations and holidays can expect that there could be some effect on their standing on the team, their playing time and their ability to earn a letter for the sport. When a varsity athlete, or junior varsity athlete, misses a practice or contest during a vacation or holiday period they will miss one game for every day of practice missed. Although junior varsity teams will practice and play over the holiday and vacation periods, the practice requirement will be slightly less than that of the varsity teams in accordance with the philosophy statement at each level of play. Athletes must understand that upon completion of the penalty for days missed, they are not guaranteed immediate return to playing time. That decision, like all decisions related to play time, will be at the discretion of the coaching staff. Students and parents should inquire about such expectations before deciding to commit to a high school sport team.
On any day that school is closed due to inclement weather or other unplanned circumstances, teams cannot practice or compete in games or scrimmages. The same procedure will be followed on days when there is an early dismissal due to weather, or other unplanned circumstances.
League rules dictate that contests postponed due to weather or other circumstances must be rescheduled on the next available school day or Saturday. Sundays may be used when absolutely necessary.
Varsity teams will usually enter post-season Section One Tournaments in the quest for regional and state championships. These tournaments usually occur for up to two weeks after the last regular season contest and could be held during vacation periods.
No jewelry shall be worn in practice or contests in any sport according to the NYSPHSAA *Jewelry Regulation. Students wishing to pierce their ears or body parts should be aware that jewelry must be removed in order to be an eligible participant. Coaches are not permitted to allow “taping over” of earrings or other jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings, etc. must be removed for all practices and contests. Any visible body jewelry must be removed as well. Coaches have been informed to not hold jewelry or valuables for their athletes. Students should not bring valuable items (laptops, cameras, cell phone, IPods, etc.) to school. If you must, these items should be secured in your school issued hall locker.
All athletes will be issued a locker by their physical education teacher. A combination lock is provided by the Physical Education Department. It is the responsibility of the athlete to keep personal property locked. Most thefts of personal items occur when lockers are left unlocked.
Briarcliff Manor UFSD will supply all uniforms and equipment necessary for practice and competition. However, some pieces of equipment are the responsibility of the athlete. Personal items such as swimsuits, dance pants, cheerleader briefs, lacrosse gloves and arm guards which are of a personal nature and cannot be reconditioned for sanitary reasons. Teams can purchase athletic sportswear of their own through the Booster Club.
All school issued uniforms and supplies must be returned at season’s end. It is the responsibility of the student/athlete to return to the coach all clothing and equipment issued. Any lost or stolen equipment must be paid for by the student/athlete. The student/athlete may not start the next season or receive athletic awards until all equipment and clothing are returned or paid for.
The captaincy is not to be based solely on popularity, and the captains will not always be the best player on the team. The team captain is a leadership role where the individual has consistently demonstrated: commitment, honesty and sportsmanship, the ability to develop team work, citizenship and character. The captaincy is attained as the result of coach’s appointment.
Whenever possible or agreeable, coaches will appoint captains prior to the start of a season. The role of captain is not restricted to a senior athlete only. All captains’ selections must be approved by the Director of Athletics.
Captains Council
In the 2012-2013 school year, Chris Drosopoulos, the Athletic Director at Briarcliff Manor UFSD, piloted a leadership program for varsity team captains. The piloted program yielded positive feedback in providing clear expectations and guidelines for our B.H.S. athletic team captains.
It is evident that student/athletes have a profound impact in school communities. We believe it is important to evaluate and train team captains to prepare them for the increased pressures and expectations of interscholastic athletics.
The role of captain is to build an effective working relationship between captains, players, and coaches. Our Leadership Council will help our team captains learn how to become dynamic leaders, while providing them with strategies to handle diverse and stressful situations. This program will help team captains pinpoint their leadership strengths and help them improve areas of weakness. This will help enhance communication between captains, coaches and players, fostering
team unity and confidence, while creating a positive team culture which will optimize team performance. Our Captains Council will be held during each of our three pre-seasons.
The Leadership Qualities of a Team Captain:
- Role Model – hardworking, committed, dedicated, humble, leader by example, positive attitude shows respect for coaches, teachers, adults, and peers.
- Exhibits good citizenship – dependable, loyal, trustworthy, unselfish, has a great deal of pride in the team, school, and community.
- Committed to be alcohol and drug free and show social confidence.
- Has a strong self-image, is mature, motivated, and has good communication skills.
- Exhibits good school behavior and acceptable academic progress.
- Willingness to follow team rules and act as a liaison between teammates, coaches, and
- the athletic director.
Principles of Leadership:
KNOW YOUR JOB – Knowledge not only gains the respect and confidence of your teammates, but also gives you confidence in yourself. The more informed, however, the better you will be able to act in any situation, which demands a decision on your part.
EXERCISE GOOD JUDGMENT – Anyone with common sense can exercise good judgments. This good judgment should not only be exercised during the season or on the field, but throughout the year. This means in the classroom, with the faculty, the student body, and the community.
USE TACT – This is the ability to direct people without causing ill feelings or giving offense. Individuals who think differently, and act differently. Consequently to secure the best cooperation from the people, they must be dealt with accordingly. Be alert never to belittle or embarrass your teammates and do not discuss the merits or your teammates with anyone but your coaching staff.
DEVELOP ENDURANCE – A leader must have physical and mental endurance to command respect.
DEMONSTRATE INITIATIVE - A leader accepts responsibility, sees what needs to be done, makes a decision and takes action without hesitation. He does not need to be told what to do or when to do it. This initiative must be taken off the field as well as on, in practice and in a game.
BE COURAGEOUS – There is moral courage, and there is physical courage. Have the moral courage to stand up for your own convictions. It take courage to deny an invitation to go out the night before a game, to cut a class, to skip a practice session, etc. Be firm in your stand and you will gain respect and admiration.
BE DEPENDABLE – A dependable captain is loyal to his school and to his team. Your dependability exhibits itself in many ways; school attendance, getting to practice on time, knowing your assignments, and a host of other things. Coaches are reluctant to play a boy or girl who cannot be depended upon regardless of his or her ability. You as a captain must be dependable and you must enlighten the coaches with those who are not for the good of the team’s success.
DISPLAY ENTHUSIASM – You can contribute to the development of team spirit by your display of sincere enthusiasm. YOU are the example. Hustle, hustle, hustle. Avoid criticizing and complaining about your teammates, coaches, or school. Discourage this type of conduct on the part of the team members. If you have a person on the team who is a constant complainer, have a talk with him and explain how it hurts the team. If he doesn’t change, talk it over with the coach. Some griping is normal but the chronic complainer must be eliminated.
- KNOW YOURSELF AND SEEK SELF-IMPROVEMENT – You as a team captain must evaluate yourself and recognize your strengths and weaknesses. You must emphasize your strong points and develop your weak points. Are you overweight and out of physical condition? Are you temperamental? Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Are you worthy to be a captain? Your teammates and coaches thought so. Don’t prove them wrong. With these items firmly entrenched in your mind, you must look at the ways and means to present these items to the squad. These are basic leadership techniques that a captain can employ to help present him/her to the team as a genuine leader .
Captains at Practice:
Try hard on every drill, set or conditioning activity. The team plays as well as it practices.
Encourage skill improvement and supplement what the coach says about basics.
Challenge teammates to do their best, encourage when plateaus occur, stay positive.
Be a giver – Help set up and make sure everything gets put away, help the coach.
Outside of Practice:
1. Promote team togetherness and promote athletic department togetherness.
Discourage scapegoating and pay attention to and give a lot of personal support and
encouragement to the younger players and to less able athletes. Senior and better athletes could make the difference in your team’s performance. As a leader, you must go out of your way to help and encourage them.
You need to know all school rules (especially pertaining to alcohol and drugs). YOU need to review this with the team and tell the players what you expect of them. Make sure you understand all of this at the beginning of the season so there will be no surprises.
As a captain, you sent the example for the entire team. You should work as hard, or harder than every other teammate in practice. That’s the way you and your team will perform in a game. You set the example for good sportsmanship and control of your team members.
Develop a clear understanding of your team’s goals and objectives, for the season and the next game.
Meet regularly after practice and after a game with your coach.
Communicate clearly to your team. Have their quiet, undivided attention when you speak
to them.
Throughout the season dress and groom yourself neatly. Look sharp to be proud of
yourself, your team, and your school. Very few effective leaders dress and groom
Give special credit to others. Recognize team members who do extra things to help the
team. Give special credit to the unsung heroes and those team members who do a good solid, steady job, day in and day out, and who usually make it possible for other people to score or for the team to win.
10.Talk a winning strategy in practice and conditioning sessions. Back up talk with actions in practice and games. Don’t be pushy, just quietly confident. DISCOURAGE NEGATIVE COMMENTS.
11.If a team problem exists, explain them in confidence to the coach to help solve them and move on with a close team atmosphere. Use the trainer, other coaches, and the athletic director as resources. DO NOT LET problems fester. They will not go away. They will multiply.
Athlete Responsibilities
Being a member of the Briarcliff athletic team is a privilege and an honor. To many athletes, it is the fulfillment of an early ambition. The attainment of this goal carries with it certain traditions and responsibilities that must be fulfilled. A great athletic tradition has been developed by the hard work of many people over the years. As a member of an athletic team at Briarcliff, you have inherited a great tradition. Your actions will reflect not only on those you are associated with now, but those who have contributed so much to our school in the past.
Many of our athletes have gone on to successful collegiate careers. Many others have established league, section and state records. Because of this fine tradition a challenge is set for you to work hard and to make sure that your actions reflect the standards that are set up by the athletic department.
Student athletes are expected to follow all local laws, school regulations and those pertaining to the non-use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. Signing off on the Code of Conduct by student and parent indicates consent to abide by this standard.In today’s society you will be asked to make sacrifices that will benefit yourself, your team and your school. Never before has the pressure of peer groups been so strong. You must learn to say “NO” to a risky lifestyle.
Procedure for Suspension for Code Violations
1. All head coaches wishing to suspend an athlete will immediately notify the Director of Athletics, and the case will be reviewed to determine what action will be taken.
2. The Director of Athletics will ensure that the student/athlete’s rights are preserved and that a proper due process procedure is provided in all cases.
Ejection & Card Accumulation
1. When an athlete is ejected from a contest, the following action will be enforced:
a. First ejection – that player cannot attend or participate in the next scheduled contest.
b. Second ejection – that player cannot attend or participate in the next two scheduled games.
c. Third ejection – that player cannot attend or participate in any remaining contests including sectionals or any post season games.
Note: If an athlete is ejected in the final game of the season and participates in a sport during another season, he/she is ineligible to participate in the first scheduled contest. Example: A football player is ejected in his final game and also participates in baseball in the spring. He is ineligible for the first game of the baseball season.
2. Three yellow cards accumulated by a single player in the regular season will result in a one game suspension. The continued accumulation of yellow cards after his/her one game suspension will result in the following:
a. The fourth accumulated yellow card will result in an additional one game suspension.
b. The fifth accumulated yellow card will result in a two game suspension.
c. The sixth accumulated yellow card will result in suspension for the remainder of the season including all sectional and post season contests.
*In the event that a player receives two yellow cards in the same game, resulting in a red card, the two yellow cards will still count towards the season total. (*New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Inc.)
3. The accumulative card is total for regular season play only. This process will begin again for the postseason play unless the athlete was removed from competition in the regular season due to an accumulation of six yellow cards.
4. During the postseason a one game suspension will be implemented after three yellow cards and a one game suspension for each additional yellow card received through the Sectional, Regional and State championship tournament.
5. The coach is to report all ejections and yellow cards to his/her Athletic Director and the Section I office for tabulation. Reporting may be by mail, fax or e-mailed for tabulation.
6. Refusing to report, or failing to report infractions, and allowing players to continue to play under these circumstances will results in the forfeiture of all games played by the individual.
If/when a team’s card total (yellow and red) reach more than 10 cards, the coach and Athletic Director are responsible to inform the Section One Director and the Sportsmanship Committee Chairperson. If 10 cards are totaled during the season, the school will be considered in need of assistance with sportsmanship. League representatives, the Sportsmanship Committee of both will meet to determine what appropriate action might be taken to assist this school.
Conduct & Sportsmanship
The Physical Education and Athletic Dept. recognize the role of Interscholastic Athletics in defining ethical behavior and developing personal character in our students. Therefore, we ask that all spectators:
1. Demonstrate a high degree of sportsmanship.
2. Show team support by making only positive comments.
3. Show respect for the judgment of coaches, officials and referees.
4. Acknowledge fields, courts and equipment as the player’s domain during contests. Spectators remain within designated areas.
5. Monitor the safety of children in bleachers and stands.
6. Respect the law; all public schools are smoke-free, substance free environments.
Athletic contests on/off campus are an extension of the classroom; therefore, all school rules are in effect.
Remember, our school district supports relationships that are based on trust, decency and fairness. Briarcliff athletic contests are held in the spirit of healthy competition and good sportsmanship. We expect cooperation and respect by all athletes and spectators at home and away contests. Remember that you are a representative of your team, your coach, your parents and your community.
The Briarcliff Booster Club has been helping our student athletes and coaches in the pursuit of excellence. The Booster Club supports pride and unity in our school and community by advocating education through athletics.
All noise makers (cow bells, whistles, air horns, etc.) are prohibited from all Section One contests, both home and away for all sports per Section One regulations.
Visiting team members, students and adult spectators are guests to be accorded all the courtesy and consideration that a friendly, well-mannered and well-intentioned host would normally give. The visitors, in turn, are to act as invited guests, using the home school’s facilities with care and respecting the rules and customs of the home school.
Officials are the proper authorities to make decisions regarding rules and their interpretation; these decisions should be accepted.
Spectators, student athletes and coaches must recognize that their conduct plays an important role in establishing the reputation of their school and that their positive actions can relate directly to the success of their teams.
Parents, coaches and players should adhere to the 24 hour rule. Meetings with coaches should be by appointment. Please follow the chain of communication as outlines in this manual. Please contact the athletic office to set up an appointment. Under no circumstances should parents enter the practice or game field to discuss an issue about their child with a coach. The coach of each team will be completely in charge with regard to playing time of all athletes on that team as well as determining membership on a team.
Procedure for Discussing Concern with a Coach
- The child should first speak to the coach. If this does not resolve the issue, the parent should then speak to the coach.
- Please don’t attempt to talk to a coach before or after a game or practice. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach. Meetings of this nature do not promote resolution.
The Next Step: What Can the Parent Do If the Meeting with the Coach Was Not Satisfactory?
- Call to set up an appointment with the Athletic Director. The parent/guardian, coach and Athletic Director will meet to discuss the problem.
- At this meeting, the appropriate next step can be determined.
Parents are encouraged to discuss issues with the Athletic Director. However, if a parent has specific complaints regarding a coach, then the coach must have the opportunity to be present to meet with the parent. We hope the information provided will help your family’s experience with the Briarcliff Manor’s District Athletic Program enjoyable and rewarding.
GAME DAY TIPS – The ROOTS of Honoring the Game
Rules – We refuse to bend the rules to win
Opponents – A worthy opponent is a gift that brings out our best Officials – Show respect even when we disagree
Teammates – Never do anything to embarrass our team
Self – We live up to our own standards even when others don’t
- Tell your child you are proud of him or her, regardless of how well he or she plays.
- Tell your child to play hard and have fun. Remind him or her that it’s okay to be nervous (“nervous is
- normal”).
- Make a commitment to yourself to Honor the Game no matter what others may do.
During the Game ...
- Let the coach’s coach. Avoid giving your child (or other players) advice during the game.
- Fill your child’s (and teammates’) Emotional Tank.
- Cheer good plays and good efforts by both teams.
- Mention good calls by the officials to others.
- Remember to have fun! Enjoy the day. After the game ...
- Thank the officials for doing a difficult job.
- Thank the coaches for their effort.
- Let your child tell you about the game (avoid giving your post-game analysis unless asked). Ask open- ended questions:
- “What was the most/least enjoyable part of the game?”
- “What did you learn from the game?
- Tell your child again that you are proud of him or her! (especially if the game didn’t go well)
What if ...
- The official makes a “bad” call against your team? (Honor the Game – be silent!)
- Another spectator on your team begins to berate the official? (Remind them, nicely, to Honor the Game.)
When the game ends, make certain that our opponent will remember the sportsmanship and class our community exhibited throughout the game.
The Three Themes of Positive Coaching:
- Redefining “Winner” – A positive coach helps a player redefine what it means to be a “winner”. Rather than only focusing on the scoreboard, players learn to focus on mastery as well, which emphasizes effort, learning and improvement, and developing the courage to make mistakes and to rebound from them?
- Filling Emotional Tanks – A positive coach fills players; “Emotional Tanks”, recognizing that athletes need to have full tanks to be able to play their best.
- Honoring the game ...
Parent-Coach Communication
Briarcliff High/Middle School Parent/Coach Communication
Communication between coach and player is essential for a successful team. Student athletes are encouraged to communicate with their coach if they have questions or concerns. Parents are urged to support their child’s coach, allowing them to instruct and guide the team. Parents should avoid questioning or confronting a coach immediately after a contest. Parents wanting to discuss a problem with a coach should make an appointment with them so that issues can be discussed in a calm, courteous, and professional manner. The Director of Athletics can assist coaches and parents in scheduling or facilitating these meetings.
There are certain things a parent can expect from a coaching staff:
- Coach’s philosophy.
- Expectations for student athletes.
- Information about the student/athlete code of conduct.
- Practice and game times and dates.
Communication coaches expect from parents:
- Encourage your child to commit to team goals.
- Help teach responsibility and accountability with respect to hard work and dedication.
- Be positive about the program. Encourage your child to speak directly to the coach with
- concerns. Negative talk is not productive.
Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:
- Way to help your child improve.
- Concerns about health, academics or behavior.
- Family issues that may affect your child.
Issues not appropriate to discuss with coaching staff:
- Playing time
- Team strategy
- Roster decisions
- Other student athletes
- Statistics
Our goal is to create clear communication between the players and the coaching staff. Our players are encouraged to approach the coaching staff at any time, about anything. The players are encouraged to talk to the coaching staff about their role, playing time and how they can improve.
Parents are expected to behave in a respectful manner when attending games. Taunting players, fans, or engaging game officials is not acceptable behavior. It does not reflect well on our program or our institution. Our coaching staff is committed to develop all of our student/athletes. The team will always come before individuals whenever decisions are made. With your support, we look forward to making this season a huge success.
Athletic Trainer
The athletic trainer provides emergency service for student-athletes and develops prevention strategies through appropriate training methods and physical conditioning programs. To ensure proper follow-up after an injury the trainer consults with parents, the school nurse, the coach, and/or the school physician.
Athletic Awards
The coach shall recommend members of his or her squad who have met the sport requirements for a letter; these recommendations are to be approved by the Director of Athletics. Each individual coach will establish the criteria for earning a varsity letter in his/her sport. This award is not given for participation and attendance alone. Athletes unable to complete a season due to injury, illness or other such circumstances may earn a letter if the coach feels it is justified. Athletes must finish the season to be eligible for an award.
- MODIFIED – Participation certificate
- FRESHMAN - Participation certificate
- JV - Participation certificate
- VARSITY – Chenille B Award, Varsity certificate, and plaques, i.e., “Most Improved”, “Coach’s Award”, Unsung Hero Award” and “Sportsmanship Award”
Students must complete all team responsibilities in order to be eligible to receive awards. This includes, but is not limited to, attendance at all practices and games that the athlete is eligible for (excluding injury or sickness) and the return of all uniforms and equipment.
Every year the guidance and athletic departments will sponsor an evening meeting for parents and student/athletes on the college recruitment process. NCAA regulations and eligibility standards, contacting coaches, the sports resume, and other topics will be covered is never too early to start the process. If you have specific questions that need to be addressed you can make an appointment to see the Director of Athletics, guidance counselor, and/or coach.
Please click here to view the Searching to Play in the NCAA presentation
Out of Season & Outside Competition
As sports in our society and at the high school level has become more competitive, coaches have looked for ways to make their programs more competitive. Over the past few years, there has been a marked increase in the number of coaches conducting off-seasons or out-of-season programs.
These programs include: open gyms, cage leagues, weekend leagues and conditioning and strength programs. Due to the nature of the high school experience and the developing adolescent, demands placed on athletes, both physically and mentally, without season programs, may be too stressful for a healthy lifestyle. There is a need for rest and recovery as part of the training process. There needs to be limits placed upon coaches and the out-of-season programs they conduct. These limitations apply to modified, freshman, junior varsity and varsity athletes.
These limitations are as follows:
1. Coaches will not permit in-season athletes from participating in out-of-season games, practices or workouts (including strength and conditioning). This includes the days of the week when in-season athletes do not have practices (e.g. Sundays).
2. It is permissible for an athlete to attend a session to observe. However, they should be in civilian clothes and not participate in any activity.
The out-of-season coach is responsible for enforcing this practice. Although we would like this practice beyond the bounds of the school athletic program, this practice is in force only for programs run by Briarcliff coaches. We would hope that in the spirit of the rule, youth and club program coaches would honor this request.
Participation on outside teams should be looked at and planned accordingly. Commitment should be made to our school’s program before non-sponsored sports teams during their participation on interscholastic athletic teams.
Booster Club
The Briarcliff “Booster Club” is a parent group, whose purpose is to encourage and channel parental involvement into constructive, supportive activities of the athletic program. The group works to enhance the bond between the student, parents, school and community to create a sense of pride in our program. Some of the projects the Booster Club will become involved with are – developing publicity for athletic events, promoting positive spectator sportsmanship, organizing the end of season sports’ banquets, tournaments and events such as Homecoming, creating merchandising, running concessions, etc.
The Briarcliff Booster Club has been helping our student athletes and coaches in the pursuit of excellence. The Booster Club supports pride and unity in our school and community by advocating education through athletics.